
  • Cancellation Policy.

    Cancellation Policy. For private training sessions, the following apply with respect to cancellations or training sessions missed by you:

    a. One make-up class may be arranged with notice at the time of payment. Makeup classes are not typically available for missed classes.

    b. Cancellations for emergencies will be handled on a case-by-case basis, at our discretion.

    With Respect to Group Classes:

    a. Classes are required to have a minimum of five students per class. We try to avoid canceling a class entirely and denying access to a training experience. If your class still has a low number of registrants before it begins, you may be asked to combine classes with another available that day. If your class or a combined class does not have enough registrants to be held, your funds will be kept on record as a credit to be used toward another class.

    b. If you are unable to meet at the assigned time for a session, you have the option to cancel and reschedule when a minimum 24-hour notice is given. You are allowed a limited number of make-up sessions that are determined by how many classes are purchased at once. (For example, 4-sessions packages are allowed 2 make-up sessions before becoming automatically completed)

    c. Any cancellations that happen after class starts are automatically “completed” regardless of the reason, and you will automatically forfeit the credit for the class missed.

    d. If there is a health emergency in the general community we may postpone or cancel training sessions, or change the methods by which training or consultation is carried out, which may include requirements regarding physical distancing and the wearing of personal protective equipment, all as considered prudent by us based on applicable regulations or advice from government or health authorities.

  • Refund Policy.

    Refund Policy. Refunds are only available under certain circumstances and if approved prior to the scheduled service.

    a. Private classes and boarding and training services deposits are non-refundable.

    b. Full refunds for group classes will be given if the request is received 48 hours in advance of the first class start time. After the first class session, 50% of the total paid may be refunded as long as it is requested before the second session. No refunds will be given for requests received after the second scheduled class

    takes place.

    c. No refunds will be given for missed classes or services regardless of reason unless prior arrangements have been made with Revival K9 Training Academy & Boarding Facility. Refunds will be at its sole discretion.